Сісіна Л. - Комунікативний простір бібліотеки початку ХХІ ст. (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 60)Ukrainian English

Sisina Liudmyla

Library Communicative Space in the beginning of the XXI century

Abstract: A sample survey of Ukrainian and foreign libraries sites was conducted, which shows that social transformations and constant improvement of Internet technologies, while offering various means of creating and presenting information in communication channels, cause corresponding changes in the libraries communicative activity. Modern libraries combine traditional and new library communication practices: oral, documentary and digital (electronic). It allows them to expand their communication space − real and virtual.The variety of communicative practices for legal, economic, cultural, educational subjects offered by libraries, is noted. The nature and content of communication practices are determined by the purpose of activity, the number of users and the level of users’ skills, the format of interaction (traditional or virtual). Communicative practices of libraries are realized in a certain socio-cultural environment, which, on the one hand, determines their nature, and on the other − feels the communicative influence of the book collections themselves.Attention is drawn to the tendency to create youth spaces in Ukrainian libraries − a free environment for communication, social initiatives, cooperation, learning, creativity and active, meaningful and quality leisure.It is concluded that the potential of library collections, its own information and analytical products provide quick access to arrays of electronic information, service practice, focused on the needs of different users groups, contribute to the expansion of library communication space, its content and organization of communication centers for intellectual development, cultural exchange and interaction, education, business, interpersonal communication, leisure, etc. Establishing effective information and communication interaction between its participants in the library system ensures its sustainability and further development of the library as a source of reliable information resources

Keywords: strategic communications, communicative practices, communicative experience, communicative space, communicative policy, subject of communication, scientific communications

Author(s) citation:

Sisina Liudmyla (2020). Library Communicative Space in the beginning of the XXI century. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (60) 276-294. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.60.276


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