Кулицький С. - Змістово-функціональна структуризація інформаційного простору в аналітичній роботі наукової бібліотеки (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 61)Ukrainian English

Kulytskyi Sergii

Content-Functional Structuring of Information Space in the Analytical Work of the Scientific Library

Abstract: The article presents the research of approaches to the content-functional structuring of the public information space for information and analytical support of strategic communications of the national economy. The resources and experience of the information and analytical departments of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine are the empirical basis for the article. The information space is a macro-source of information for the formation of strategic communications of the national economy. Content-functional structuring of the public information space is necessary for effective information and analytical support of strategic communications of the national economy. This structuring involves establishing dependency between the qualitative characteristics of different types of information sources and their functions in the formation of the economy strategic communications. Qualitative characteristics of information sources depend on its social function, its owners’ and managers’ interests, specifics of the functioning of these sources. To fill strategic communications of the national economy with meaningful content, it makes sense to structure the information space by the following functions of different types of information sources: theoretical and methodological, empirical, stimulating and controlling. The theoretical and methodological functions of the meaningful content of strategic communications are performed by scientific and analytical sources of information. The empirical function is performed by public information materials of public authorities and administration, enterprises, marketing and sociological organizations, media. The stimulating function could be performed by various sources of information, including social networks, depending on the situation. The performance of the control function is the result of the analyst's use of various sources as needed.

Keywords: sources of information, economics, information space, information-analytical activity (work), scientific library, strategic communications.

Author(s) citation:

Kulytskyi Sergii (2021). Content-Functional Structuring of Information Space in the Analytical Work of the Scientific Library. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (61) 98-114. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.61.098


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