Копанєва В. - Система репозитаріїв України, Костенко Л. (2021)

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Kopaneva Victoria, Kostenko Leonid

System of Repositories of Ukraine

Abstract: The structure of the system of repositories of Ukraine, which includes the National Repository of Academic Texts and more than one hundred territorially distributed institutional repositories, is considered. It is stated that in terms of their number, Ukraine is among the top twenty countries in the world. The statistical data on the volume of information resources of the National Repository of Academic Texts and the intensity of their use are given. The conceptual idea of the essence of institutional repository as an integrated research, publishing and library information environment of the institution, in which copyright issues are determined by internal regulations of this institution, is developed. Monitoring study of repositories content was carried out and their bibliodiversity and universality in species and thematic aspects were noted. It contains monographs, articles from scientific periodicals, dissertations and dissertations abstracts, research reports, etc. Emphasis is placed on the need to comply with the principle of interoperability when creating repositories, which allows them to form a single reference and search engine (analog of the consolidated catalog of traditional libraries). The essence of OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) technology, by which the metadata of 75 institutional repositories of Ukraine was integrated and a single access point to their territorially distributed resources was organized, is revealed. The prospects of intensification of works on creation of repositories of primary research data in Ukraine, first of all in the centers of collective use of unique scientific equipment, are substantiated. Such activities will contribute to the functional transformation of the scientific and information department of the institution from the infrastructural element of the research process to its direct participant. The growing role of repositories in the digital space of scientific knowledge is noted. The necessity of directing the development of the system of repositories of Ukraine on the formation of a united research, publishing and library information environment is substantiated.

Keywords: repositories, bibliodiversity, copyright, integration, interoperability.

Author(s) citation:

Kopaneva Victoria (2021). System of Repositories of Ukraine. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (61) 115-127. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.61.115


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