Гребенюк А. - Антиукраїнська пропаганда: характерні риси та поняття (2021)

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Hrebeniuk Alla

Anti-Ukrainian Propaganda: Typical Features and Concept

Abstract: The article focuse is on defining the characteristics and concepts of anti-Ukrainian destructive propaganda. The provisions of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine and scientific works related to the subject of the research are analyzed. The absence of results, the formation of which article is about, is stressed. Based on the study of lexicographic sources, scientific and practical materials, the following signs of propaganda to the detriment of the national interests of Ukraine have been identified: exercising the influence by disseminating, explaining, bringing of political, philosophical, scientific, artistic ideas, views, knowledge, appeals to the recipients; implementation of these ideas through ideological and political, social, religious influence on audience, certain groups of people or separate persons; usage of social contradictions, provocation of hostility and conflicts, undermining of social unity; usage of the methods of special information operation, which is the part of the information war and subversive activities, and belong to the spectrum of non-military threats; destructiveness; serving the purpose of reorientation of objects of influence to other values and ideals, their incitement to commit illegal actions to weaken the state and socio-political system; conducting both in covert (manipulative) and open forms using the means of social communication; deployment both outside and inside Ukraine. A definition for anti-Ukrainian propaganda is formulated. It is proved that anti-Ukrainian propaganda is a method of special information operations, and it provides destructive manipulative and open, ideological and political, social, religious and other influence (through the use of communication technologies, dissemination and constant, deep and detailed explanation of ideas, views, knowledge , appeals) to a person, group of persons or society in order to reorient them to other values and ideals and provoke programmed emotions, encourage action to destabilize the situation and weaken the state and socio-political system, encroachment on state sovereignty, territorial integrity, democratic constitutional system and other vital national interests of Ukraine. The prospects for further research include the study of types of propaganda, places and roles of propaganda among SIO methods, methods of propaganda, structural and executive mechanism of anti-Ukrainian propaganda, chronology of the development of Russian propaganda in Ukraine.

Keywords: anti-Ukrainian propaganda, features of anti-Ukrainian propaganda, the concept of anti-Ukrainian propaganda, theoretical and methodological principles of anti-Ukrainian propaganda, counteraction to anti-Ukrainian propaganda.

Author(s) citation:

Hrebeniuk Alla (2021). Anti-Ukrainian Propaganda: Typical Features and Concept. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (61) 128-139. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.61.128


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