Пальчук В. - Удосконалення методик контент-моніторингу в інформаційно-аналітичній діяльності бібліотек (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 61)Ukrainian English

Palchuk Valentyna

Improving the Methods of Content Monitoring in Libraries Information and Analytical Work

Abstract: The article highlights the scientific issues of various aspects of information exchange at the level of strategic communications, research and determination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of information in them. The research question concerns the definition of content monitoring methods and technologies in library practice, information analysis, which operates at the level of strategic communications and reflects certain informational dimensions of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of various social actors, social processes, phenomena, etc. In this regard, the methods and approaches that are developed and practiced by libraries information and analytical structures, including ones that improve the process of content monitoring of information flows, exchanges at the level of strategic communications, are examined. The experience of information-analytical subdivisions of V. I.Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, which successfully applies scientific and practical methods of content monitoring on the basis of modern search engine services, that is freely available, is generalized. The search engines used by information and analytical departments of V. I.Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine in their work, predominantly are Meta, West Media, Tape.com, AFISHAR.com, Google News, Ukr.net. The developed method of work with search engine services has been successfully tested in the constant monitoring of content provided by sources of regional information in order to systematically track new trends and social processes, phenomena in the constantly updated network information environment of all regions of Ukraine. This became the basis for improving of the information and analytical service for the implementation of various content monitoring projects of the national media space, research statistics and the level of top topics publicity for a certain period time.

Keywords: libraries, content monitoring, search engine services, strategic communications.

Author(s) citation:

Palchuk Valentyna (2021). Improving the Methods of Content Monitoring in Libraries Information and Analytical Work. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (61) 246-257. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.61.246


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