Чернявська Л. - Комунікативний простір сучасної бібліотеки як фактор утвердження основ гендерної рівності в суспільстві (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 61)Ukrainian English

Cherniavska Lina

Communicative Space of a Modern Library as a Factor in Establishing the Foundations for Gender Equality

Abstract: The article presents the study of the problem of library participation in establishing the foundations for gender equality in modern society, in particular the need to overcome negative gender stereotypes, digital inequality. The available means could help to solve these problems through the use of the potential of libraries, are systematized. The Ukrainian and foreign libraries experience in the elimination of gender barriers in various spheres of public life, in particular, in the field of ICT, is studied. Attention is drawn to the positive results of libraries participation in the national online platform Action. Digital Education, which has become a convenient and affordable service for free acquisition and improvement of digital skills for all groups, and an effective tool to bridge the gender digital division. The role of libraries as active participants in non-formal education projects for women and girls is highlighted. Emphasis is also placed on the need for libraries cooperation, in particular, to connect their information and analytical services with government agencies, non-governmental organizations in disseminating relevant knowledge on gender issues, promoting a comprehensive gender approach in public policy. Special attention is paid to such a socially useful type of library activities as teaching socially vulnerable people the skills of media literacy and critical thinking in the process of searching and processing information. With the help of this new service, library users learn the skills of information retrieval, critical evaluation, systematization and exchange. In this way, libraries make a kind of vaccination against toxic information effects. Another important area of library activity is highlighted − the prevention of gender-based and domestic violence by raising public awareness in the form of providing information, contacts of organizations that can provide assistance. All of this turns libraries into social centers, platforms for informational, psychological and practical adaptation, and support of gender-vulnerable groups.

Keywords: gender, library, libraries information and communication activities, women’s and gender studies, gender digital divide, gender discrimination.

Author(s) citation:

Cherniavska Lina (2021). Communicative Space of a Modern Library as a Factor in Establishing the Foundations for Gender Equality. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (61) 320-336. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.61.320


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