Горовий В. - Електронні інформаційні технології в задоволенні інформаційних запитів вітчизняної науки, Горова С. (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 61)Ukrainian English

Horovyi Valery, Horova Svitlana

Electronic Information Technologies and its Role in Meeting the Information Needs of Ukrainian Science

Abstract: The article considers the main trends in processes of information circulation in the context of the transformation of modern information exchanges in connection with the growing importance of science in society transformative activities. These processes are based on the development of electronic information technology, global informatization, the improvement of social information communications and the entire management system of the infosphere, associated with the rise of the overall creative potential of society. As the need to intensify innovation processes in all spheres of public activity grows, it becomes increasingly important to improve the network of scientific libraries, which are modern centers of accumulation, preservation and organization of scientific information, and it is scientific information that today is of greatest public importance. In general, the introduction of electronic information technology has led to a significant update of the tasks of scientific and information services which scientific libraries could offer to researchers and users. The technological modernization of science needed today, due to its growing role in the development of the information society, also requires librarians to improve their professional level. The introduction of electronic information into scientific circulation renews and corrects all the traditional functions of sciemtific libraries, which until recently were based only around the publisher. The article focuse is on the development of functional characterictics of this category of libraries with regard to the needs and features of the use of electronic information resources in providing research process and implementation of its results in public practice with scientific information.

Keywords: electronic information technologies, strategic communications, information resources management, international scientific cooperation, target scientific programs.

Author(s) citation:

Horovyi Valery (2021). Electronic Information Technologies and its Role in Meeting the Information Needs of Ukrainian Science. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (61) 9-18. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.61.009


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