Аулін О. - Стратегічні комунікації: участь бібліотечних установ у протидії глобальним інформаційним загрозам (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 61)Ukrainian English

Aulin Oleksandr

Strategic Communications: Libraries in Combating Global Information Threats

Abstract: The article examines the security component of international strategic communications, in which Ukrainian state information and bibliographic centers participate. The main approaches to defining the concept of strategic communications elaborated by Ukrainian researchers, as well as their colleagues from the European Union, the United States and the Russian Federation, are analyzed. The own definition of the term strategic communications is offered. The Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine is considered, in the part concerning strategic communications and strategic narratives. It has been determined that today the greatest danger is posed by destructive information influences directed from the outside to the information space of Ukraine, especially by international Islamist movements and the Russian Federation. In addition, it has been shown that the territory of Ukraine has been used since the 1970s to transport radical Islamists from the Middle East to Western Europe. It also inflicts additional reputational damage on Ukraine at the international level. Proponents of these movements may consider information and bibliographic centers to be one of the most attractive targets for the spread of radical Islamist literature. In this case, not only the possibility of replenishing the book collections with literature of the relevant orientation is taken into account, but also the active exhibition work carried out by the centers. It is noted that printed and electronic media containing strategic narratives beneficial to the Russian Federation can enter information and bibliographic centers in a covert form (as scientific publications from the Republic of Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, the Baltic States and other European Union countries), the ultimate beneficiary of which are organizations controlled by the Russian Federation, created to exercise destructive information influence. Measures to counteract negative information influences using the available capabilities of state information and bibliographic centers are proposed.

Keywords: strategic communications, globalization, library and information centers, social communications, information security, political Islam, information space.

Author(s) citation:

Aulin Oleksandr (2021). Strategic Communications: Libraries in Combating Global Information Threats. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (61) 19-27. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.61.019


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