Іванова Н. - Перспективи суспільного діалогу в інформаційну добу (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 61)Ukrainian English

Ivanova Natalia

Prospects for Public Dialogue in the Information Age

Abstract: The article characterizes the role of information technology in expanding opportunities for social dialogue in order to stabilize and develop social life. It is noted that information structures, as an important element of the social regulation system in public dialogue, especially between civil society and state authorities, can influence the integration processes within society by responsibly taking on the role of public mediators and maintaining a high level dialogue. Attention is paid to the problems of social responsibility media as a subject of social development. Public dialogue cannot be formed outside the information space. Today, modern information and communication technologies used by media, provide opportunities for exchange of views and form a dialogue, expressing socially significant interest ideally. Effective and transparent mass media stimulate the development of public dialogue via involving representatives of various social groups: government, business, public associations etc. Using various forms of communicative interaction in accordance with society demands, media with the regulatory potential of social communication can enhance the meaningful impetus to public debate. The main task of the mass media is to translate social conflicts into the plane of public discussion. The peculiarity of media social responsibility as a subject of social development, today, is the need to restore tolerance as a necessary condition for optimal interaction between all participants in information exchanges in the field of public communication. Public dialogue on the media basis should be in the nature of cooperation, and the information interaction openness should help minimize the dominance of one party over the other, as the cornerstone of consensus on social issues is the recognition of equality of all dialogue partners and equal rights for all.

Keywords: social communications, media, public dialogue, information technologies, informing, state, society.

Author(s) citation:

Ivanova Natalia (2021). Prospects for Public Dialogue in the Information Age. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (61) 40-49. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.61.040


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