Закіров М. - Модерація електронних петицій як політичного інструмента комунікації влади і суспільства, Закірова С. (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 61)Ukrainian English

Zakirov Marat, Zakirova Svitlana

The Moderation of Electronic Petitions as a Political Tool for the Communication between Government and Society

Abstract: The article considers the functional features of electronic petitions in terms of interaction between government and civil society. The authors analyze the impact of moderation of electronic appeals on the participation of citizens in the functioning of electronic petitions as a political tool for communication between government and society. The article presents the practice of the system of electronic petitions to higher authorities in Ukraine and the world in systematic way. It is noted, that in most countries of the world there are approximately the same legal requirements for the functioning of this instrument of socio-political communication between government and society. An important task of the e-petitions system is to involve as many participants as possible in discussion of the political agenda in the country or region (depending on the level of submission), both public and non-governmental organizations and individuals, and it will ensure democratic political development. It is determined, that the level of moderation of electronic petitions can be a reason and an indicator of increasing or decreasing the activity of citizens using electronic petitions. Decreased effectiveness of e-petitions as a tool for political interaction between government and society may lead to an insufficient level of prior moderation of appeals. In Ukrainian reality, it is manifested in the creation of numerous petitions with the same content, resulting in a blurring of public attention and the inability to accumulate signatures of all supporters of the issue, which generally harms the public authority of the mechanism of electronic petitions. In Ukraine, at the regional level, in some cities, the norm is provided for the impossibility of publishing the same content of petitions, in support of which the collection of signatures continues. At the same time, the excessive level of moderation of electronic petitions creates additional obstacles for more active citizens’ participation.

Keywords: electronic petition, political instrument, communication, power, society.

Author(s) citation:

Zakirov Marat (2021). The Moderation of Electronic Petitions as a Political Tool for the Communication between Government and Society. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (61) 79-97. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.61.079


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