Масловська С. - Діяльність читальної зали бібліотекознавчої літератури Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського у контексті інформаційно-наукового забезпечення потреб бібліотечних фахівців (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 62)Ukrainian English

Maslovska Svitlana

Activities of the reading room of library literature of the Vernadskyi National library of Ukraine in the context of information and scientific support of library specialists

Abstract: Aim of the research. Analyze the work of the reading room of library literature for the twenty-year period (2000-2020) to develop a promising model for meeting the professional needs of librarians in professional information, which would form and use appropriate profile sources, meet and develop information needs of librarians. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach, methods of structural-functional and comparative analysis, synthesis. Scientific novelty of the study is that comprehensively on the basis of reporting and statistical documents studied the information needs of library and information professionals and identified promising trends in their development and satisfaction in the formation of the information society, analyzed and identified areas for improving documentary information resource of the reading room of library literature. Results of the research: Solving the problem of quality and prompt service of librarians requires not only the study of the peculiarities of their information needs, but also the application in practice of various forms of information services, the ability to objectively assess the quality of information products and its use to meet user needs. At the same time, meeting the professional needs of library and information professionals is impossible without combining the efforts and resources of libraries. The integration of professional library resources of leading Ukrainian libraries on a single software platform and a single concept of knowledge will reveal the original opportunities for new comprehensive information library products and services, and attract them to fully provide users of library intellectual property.

Keywords: Library science collection, librarianship of Ukraine, electronic library resource, information needs, historical documents.

Author(s) citation:

Maslovska Svitlana (2021). Activities of the reading room of library literature of the Vernadskyi National library of Ukraine in the context of information and scientific support of library specialists. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (62) 136-150. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.62.136


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