Мудроха В. - Нормативно-правове забезпечення формування професійної компетентності інформаційно-бібліотечних фахівців (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 62)Ukrainian English

Mudrokha Valentyna

Regulatory and legal support for the formation of professional competence of information-library specialists

Abstract: Рurpose of the article. The article is devoted to the analysis of the current Ukrainian legislation, which regulates legal relations in the field of information and library action. The main directions of normative-legal provision of formation of professional competence of information-library specialists are determined. Accented is placed on the important role in the formation of professional competence of librarians of specialized professional projects and programs. It is emphasized that despite the recommendatory nature, they are widely used by information and library institutions. The effective personnel policy of a modern library is due to the global changes taking place in our society. This is, first of all, the introduction of new and innovative technologies in the work of libraries; uneven solution of issues of functioning of libraries of different types and kinds; accelerating the process of modernizing libraries and, consequently, the need to unite librarians into professional communities. These factors influence the formation of a new level of legal relations in information and library activities, which requires the addition and expansion of a number of regulations of Ukrainian legislation. It is established that the main qualification characteristics of information and library specialists are determined, on the one side, by the "Handbook of qualification characteristics of employees’ professions", and on the other - by professional profiles. Important professional qualities of modern librarians are: professional competence, creative activity, ability to professionally analyze market situations, proper quality of work performed (compliance with regulations, efficiency, systematicity and timeliness), discipline, sociability and organizational skills. Methodology. Based on the application of theoretical (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization) and empirical (observation, study of products of activity) research methods, the need was established to reform and supplement industry legislation, as a number of new concepts and legal relations that require regulation. Scientific novelty. In modern conditions of state formation, the problem of legislative regulation of the formation of professional competence of information and library professionals is becoming relevant and vital, because the solution of this problem depends on the possibility of successful functioning of libraries. Social transformations, changes in social priorities, content and structure of information requests of society and individual social institutions affect the development of libraries. The new conditions in which libraries operate today require highly qualified specialists who are able to modernize the work of these institutions on the basis of new strategies. Conclusions. The research was performed on the basis of the analysis of the current Ukrainian legislation and the practice of its application, the study of scientific works of the leading specialists of the library branch. It was found that the legal support for the formation of professional competence of librarians is at the appropriate level. There is not only professional development, but also retraining and professional development of librarians with other basic education. However, it should be emphasized that today there is no state agency that would form a united standpoint and comprehensively implement state policy in the feld of library activities.

Keywords: legislation of Ukraine, specialized professional projects and programs, information-library activities, professional development of a librarian, formation of professional competence of information-library specialists, qualifi cation characteristics of employees.

Author(s) citation:

Mudrokha Valentyna (2021). Regulatory and legal support for the formation of professional competence of information-library specialists. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (62) 151-163. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.62.151


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