Солоіденко Г. - Науково-методична робота бібліотек: становлення та новий вектор розвитку (2021)

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Soloidenko Halyna

Scientific and methodological work of libraries: establishment and new vector of development

Abstract: The aim of the study. Analyze the challenges facing libraries today, what has changed in the activities of libraries - methodological centers during the thirty years of independence, what is the role of government in the development of the entire library industry and the organization of methodological guidance in particular, who should ensure coordination between national libraries. The research methodology is based on a set of general scientific research methods, in particular, historiographical and sociological, as well as methods of comparative and terminological analysis. The application of the socio-communication method allowed to present the dynamics, to identify the features of methodological guidance in the post-Soviet period and at the present stage, to characterize their content and functional content. Scientific novelty. The state and tasks of scientific and methodical work at the present stage are revealed. The new concepts connected with methodical activity offered by known librarians are analyzed and possibilities of their introduction are characterized. The article presents the functions and role of national libraries in ensuring the activities of library networks, the organization of methodical work. Particular attention is paid to modern problems of organizational management and methodological management of the library industry. Among the priority tasks that need to be addressed is the lack of coordination between libraries - methodological centers of Ukraine. The experience of work of separate libraries is presented, new tendencies in directions, forms, structure of methodical work are covered. Conclusions. Scientific and methodical activity of libraries was and remains one of the strategically important directions of work of libraries methodical centers. At each stage of the development of the library there is a need to understand the processes that occur in the methodological activities, there is a need to determine its theoretical foundations. World experience shows that the methodological management of libraries is carried out by the National Library of the country, or a pair of national libraries, which clearly distinguish between these (methodological) functions. There are eight national libraries in Ukraine and it is not legally defined which library should perform the functions of the National Library. In this regard, there is a parallel in the work and lack of coordinated action between national libraries, most of which have only the name of the national and only two are funded as national institutions. There is also no clear definition of which executive body carries out state management of the entire library industry. The lack of an important tool for the development of libraries - public policy in this area has led to a reduction in the actual library functions and the creation of departments in national and state libraries not related to the library business. To the above shortcomings should be added the weak material and technical base of libraries, the lack of new computer equipment and Internet connection, low wages of librarians.

Keywords: scientific-methodical work, scientific-methodical activity, methodical center, methodical management, methodical help, state policy, organizational management.

Author(s) citation:

Soloidenko Halyna (2021). Scientific and methodological work of libraries: establishment and new vector of development. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (62) 188-202. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.62.188


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