Бурміс І. - Характеристика публічних бібліотек Півдня України як медіацентрів (2021)

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Burmis Irina

Characteristic of the public libraries of the South of Ukraine as the media centers

Abstract: Problem setting. In the conditions of decentralization of public libraries activity appears the necessity of modernization and transformation library establishments into modern media centers based on which deepen the process of society consolidation on the regional level, occur the increasing of informative literacy and culture of the population. The aim of the article is to open the specific of public libraries activity as the media centers based on public libraries of the South of Ukraine experience. The methods of the research. The usage of the complex of general-scientific approaches (socio-cultural, socio-communicative, and systemic) and also the general-scientific methods promoted to reach the given purpose. The scientific novelty lies in proving the statement that the implementation of the reform of the local government system and administrative-territorial system in Ukraine had pushed the public libraries to the active transformation into "multicultural hubs" and democratic informative institutions. Specific examples of development and improvement of public libraries activity of the South of Ukraine were considered as the media centers: realization of the strategic plan of Odesa regional state administration activity on 2017–2019 the program "The clever region" were set up media centers which based on district and village libraries in Odesa region, was set up the "Youth space" as the cultural-informative project in the frames of The Odesa regional universal library activity; project of Kherson regional universal scientific M. Hrushevskyi library as the "Artistic highway", "Museum of book", "Local lore of Tavria", etc. Conclusions. In the new conditions the public libraries of the South of Ukraine, from one side, continue to store and translate the documentary memories of humankind with access to it for all members of the society, and from the other side, form the librarian web-space and apply poly-functional directions of work (from informative, educational activity to socio-cultural and leisure) which require the professional improvement of librarian workers in the process of master different communicative, playing, creative and develop technologies.

Keywords: the South of Ukraine, public libraries, media centers, decentralization, united territorial community, library web-space, democratic informative institutions.

Author(s) citation:

Burmis Irina (2021). Characteristic of the public libraries of the South of Ukraine as the media centers. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (62) 342-354. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.62.342


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