Добко Т. - Організація консультаційних послуг у залі каталогів Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського: pro et contra, Тарасенко Н., Кузьменко Г. (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 62)Ukrainian English

Dobko Tetiana, Tarasenko Nataliia, Kuzmenko Halyna

Organization of consulting services in the hall of catalogues at Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine: pro et contra

Abstract: The goal of the research – to investigate the using by readers and by staff the electronic and traditional reference aids of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU) and practicability of preserving consulting services in the context of simultaneous using traditional (card) and modern (electronic) systems of documents searching. The methodology of research. The methodological supplement based on the complex of scientific principles and methods. Here we used historical, comparative and widespread scientific methods, as for example structural as also s tructuralfunctional methods of systematization and classification. Academic novelty. The use of card and electronic catalogues for documents searching is compared. The typical mistakes of users in filling out of demands for different informational sources were carefully considered. The matter of using traditional searching tools by readers and staff were also researched. The qualifications of con sulting bibliographical staff, the ways of dialogue between librarians and readers, communicative competence and informational culture and psychological skills of librarians were also taken into account. Some difficulties which readers face in searching information by their own hands and considering the advantages of searching of documents with support of consulting staff were pointed out. According to the results of the annual reports of the information retrieval sector of the VNLU 2018-2019, an analysis of the dynamics of growth of readers’ needs in the provision of information and consulting services was carried out and substantiated the need to provide such services in the VNLU. Conclusions. It is concluded that traditional catalogues continue to be in demand and together with electronic catalogues complement each other and confirm the need for their coexistence. Thus, a significant increasing in the number of readers’ requests for consultations to bibliographers in the catalogues hall proves the need to maintain the positions of bibliographic consultants and requires a constant improvement in the professional level of librarians-consultants for information retrieval and navigation in information resources.

Keywords: library business, information retrieval system, consultative help, systematic and alphabetical catalogues, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.

Author(s) citation:

Dobko Tetiana (2021). Organization of consulting services in the hall of catalogues at Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine: pro et contra. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (62) 367-383. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.62.367


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