Рудакова Ю. - Макулатурні аркуші почаївських друків як джерело доповнення латиношрифтного репертуару Почаївської друкарні (2021)

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Rudakova Yuliia

Waste sheets of pochaiv books as a source of Pochaiv printing house latin type repertoire enrichment

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to present the results of the attribution of 43 fragments of 22 Latin type Pochaiv printing house editions from the collection of Old and Rare Books Department of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. The fragments were found on the inside of the Pochaiv bindings or covers, and on the endpapers of Pochaiv Latin and Cyryllic type editions copies. The methodology of attribution and bibliological research consists in a comprehensive study of the printed features of the fragments, primarily the elements of text structure, decoration, and fonts. Science novelty. Original bindings were characteristic feature of Pochaiv editions. The endpapers made of unused Pochaiv prints were quite widespread as well. The Pochaiv Monastery had its own bindery, in which wooden or cardboard bindings for book blocks and paper covers for thin editions were made. To produce and strengthen the bindings, Pochaiv bookbinders often used sheets from various editions of the printing house. Those sheets for some reason remained unused in stitching book blocks of circulation. Such sheets were glued to the inner surfaces of the bindings or covers, and they were used as endpaper sheets. This is an additional factor in the attribution of fragments used as endpapers for Pochaiv bindings, since it certifi es the place of their printing. In the study of copies of Pochaiv editions from the fund of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine Old and Rare Books Department, additional copies (fragments) of the publications available in the fund were identified and attributed. Furthermore, some editions that were not previously recorded in the department’s collection were found. It was almost impossible to attribute some small fragments. A number of fragments have not yet been attributed due to a lack of detailed bibliographic information and absence of copies of editions to which they can be compared. Instead, fragments of several editions of the sheet and brochure types, not presented in the bibliography of Ukrainian old-printed books, are described. Conclusions. The identification of previously unknown in the bibliography editions indicates the need to continue research work with library funds and collections of the Ukrainian old-printed books.

Keywords: attribution, fragment of the edition, Pochaiv Monastery printing house, binding, cover, endpaper.

Author(s) citation:

Rudakova Yuliia (2021). Waste sheets of pochaiv books as a source of Pochaiv printing house latin type repertoire enrichment. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (62) 464-478. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.62.464


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