Черняк І. - Бібліотеки освітніх закладів в умовах регіональної політики (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 62)Ukrainian English

Cherniak Iryna

Libraries of educational institutions in the conditions of regional policy

Abstract: The purpose of the work is to determine the legislative basis for the activity of libraries of educational institutions in the conditions of regional policy. The methodology of the article was based on special research methods (comparative, retrospective) and general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization and analytical-synthetic processing of information). The scientific novelty of the work lies in the expansion of ideas about the regulatory and legal support of information and communication cooperation at the regional and interregional levels, the organization of sectoral and intersectoral cooperation of libraries with the use of new technologies. Conclusions. The study allows us to state that in the formation of the information society and the formation of the knowledge society, the functions of libraries, their place in the scientific, educational and cultural infrastructure of society have undergone radical changes, reflected in the system of regulations at international and national levels. At the present stage, the Ukrainian state pays special attention to promoting the development potential of the scientific direction of higher education institutions based on assessing the dynamics of scientific, scientific-educational, scientific-technical and innovative levels, recognition of scientific achievements of higher education institutions, prospects of priority areas of scientific, technical and innovation activity.

Keywords: library, information space, knowledge society, integration, interaction.

Author(s) citation:

Cherniak Iryna (2021). Libraries of educational institutions in the conditions of regional policy. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (62) 479-494. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.62.479


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