Коваль Т. - Електронні засоби наукових комунікацій в контексті дистанційного бібліотечного сервісу, Туровська Л. (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 62)Ukrainian English

Koval Tatiana, Turovska Lesia

Electronic means of scientific communication in the context of remote library information services

Abstract: Subject of research: library electronic means of scientific communication, based on the use of own information resources, services, products and web services. The purpose of the study: to outline and characterize the electronic means of scientific communication in the NLUV; identify ways to use them in the context of remote library and information services. The methodological basis of research is systemic, informational, structural-functional, comparative, historical, terminological approaches, as well as a set of general scientific, specific scientific and special methods. Scientific novelty. Views on the essence and functions of library means of scientific communication have been further developed; the scientific achievements of domestic scientists on the specified problem are generalized; the palette of means of scientific communications in NLUV is clarified; the factors influencing the formation and development of library means of scientific communication are investigated. Results of the research: By disseminating activities in the virtual information space, NLUV promotes the widest possible development of users of this space, attracts its own electronic information resources, services, products and web services to everyday practice, and creates conditions for unlimited scientific communication of various professional categories and groups. Thus, the NLUV becomes the epicentre of integrated information and communication support of scientific, educational, production, cultural, educational and other social processes, and the system of its scientific communications – a strategic vector of further development. Practical meaning of the research. The results of the research determine the scientific and communication activities involving remote network research teams, outline practical ways to expand open access to scientific information, provide for the development of new electronic forms of scientific communication, growth of international and interdisciplinary cooperation, increasing the role of informal electronic communication and self-organization.

Keywords: system of scientific communications, electronic means of scientific communications, information and communication technologies, virtual reader, remote service.

Author(s) citation:

Koval Tatiana (2021). Electronic means of scientific communication in the context of remote library information services. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (62) 84-98. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.62.084


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