Кропочева Н. - Інформаційно-бібліотечні ресурси з питань педагогіки та освіти (за матеріалами сайтів бібліотек університетів Німеччини) (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 62)Ukrainian English

Kropocheva Nataliya

Information and library resources on issues of pedagogy and education (on the materials of library sites of universities of Germany)

Abstract: Stating the Subject of the Study. The Results of the information Review of the Materials of the Websites of the Libraries of German Universities are presented. A sample of eleven Libraries was formed, the selection Criteria for which were the following Indicators: The Universality of the Acquisition of the Fund; the Presence in the Structure of Information Resources of Collections of rare, handwritten and old printed Publications; participation in the Network of Library institutions located on Campuses (Libraries), library Funds are completed with Documents of a Narrow-specialized direction. The practical Problems of creating Information and library Resources on Education and Pedagogy are highlighted; the defining components of the Content and composition of the Sites of these libraries are described. Problem Statement: а sample of eleven Libraries was formed, the Selection Criteria for which were the Following Indicators: Universality of the fund; the Presence in the Structure of information Resources of Collections of Rare, handwritten and old printed Publications; participate in the network library institutions located Campuses (campuses), private libraries equipped with highly specialized referral Documents. Stating the Aim of the Study is revealed through the implementation of a number of tasks: identifying areas and identifying sources of electronic educational resources of libraries in German universities, identifying features in the generation of electronic resources and levels of access to user content. Research methodology: the research methodology is formed on the basis of empirical and theoretical methods of scientific knowledge, the method of webometric analysis of databases presented in the scientific and information environment of higher education institutions. Results of the Study: the directions of Formation of Resources of the researched Segment of Libraries of Universities with single-circuit and double-circuit Structure are singled out. In Universities of the first Type, Libraries perform the Functions of the central and peripheral Library structure, information and library Resources on Pedagogy and Education are exported from OPAC (Online public access catalog) and KVK (KarlsruherVirtuellerKatalog). In Universities with a two-circuit structure of libraries, educational and pedagogical resources are presented on the sites, and in library Departments, Resources of a narrow Subject nature are presented. Novelty: the method of webometric analysis of databases of educational subjects of libraries of higher education institutions of Germany is applied for revealing of specific characteristics of educational content with the formed orientation on a certain target group of users. The practical significance: examined the feasibility of the said technology in specialized libraries Ukraine due to similar problems in the formation of information resources of the designated subjects and using targeted user groups.

Keywords: university Library; Germany; library Network; Funds; information and library Resources on Education and Pedagogy.

Author(s) citation:

Kropocheva Nataliya (2021). Information and library resources on issues of pedagogy and education (on the materials of library sites of universities of Germany). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (62) 99-121. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.62.099


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