Каращук О. - Бібліотеки в розвитку інформаційної системи вітчизняного інформаційного простору (на прикладі Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського) (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 63)Ukrainian English

Oksana Karaschuk

Libraries in the Advancement of Information System of the Ukrainian Information Space (Case of V. I.Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)

Abstract: Scientific works on information space, information policy, activity of scientific libraries and influence of communication means, which are undergoing significant changes,are analyzed. It is noted that the Internet and everything connected with it, at the present stage of world development, as one of the main information communication systems, is becoming increasingly important. The Internet is one of the main means in obtaining important, structured, accessible and quickly received information. It is emphasizedthat V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine potential in the development of the system of strategic communications in Ukraine is significant. The article emphasizesthat information-analytical structures in providing information support of state policy, preparation and types of analytical products, play an important role in the development of strategic communications. Examples of signs of Russian information propaganda in different countries are given. This paper shows one of the ways to use prohibited platforms with the help of a specific program. It is proved that the strategic tool in the development of modern information society is communication, through which societyreceives truthful information, and information and analytical activities of libraries should be aimed at producing a variety of information resources in accordance with the demands of modern users. It is also emphasized that the intellectualization of the information space, improvement of the production system and provision of state institutions with meaningful information that best meets the task of forming and making management decisions is crucial for neutralizing information and destabilizing factors. It is the promotion of high-quality independent information that will strengthen the information space and reduce the dissemination and promotion of fake information, especially through social Internet services. The paper emphasizes that timely monitoring of destructive information influences requires constant monitoring, analysis, evaluation and forecasting of both domestic and foreign information messages in the electronic media.

Keywords: information, information space, strategic communications, state, library, analytics, information-analytical services, social networks, social Internet services, disinformation, boot farms, fake.

Author(s) citation:

Oksana Karaschuk (2022). Libraries in the Advancement of Information System of the Ukrainian Information Space (Case of V. I.Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (63) 124-138. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.63.124


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