Сісіна Л. - Правова інформація у комунікативних практиках бібліотек (2022)

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Liudmyla Sisina

Legal Information in Libraries Communicative Practices

Abstract: Libraries communicative practices are seen as a means of legal information, education, counseling, establishing and maintaining interaction between government andcitizens, strengthening legal capacity through education, through the use of innovative solutions to facilitate access to justice and protect their rights. The following topical forms of library communication practices are identified: direct meetings and meetings online and videoconferences with government officials, meetings with law enforcement officers, local council deputies, social services specialists, round tables, debates, dialogues, conversations, legal quizzes, competitions in jurisprudence, question and answer evenings, trainings, role-playing games, tournaments, storytelling, psychological workshops, civic education lessons. The effectiveness of oral / dialogue communication is noted – it improves the perception and assimilation of information and allows to clarify unclear issues directly during the dialogue. Oral communication is also an effective way to reach an agreed solution if many people discuss the problem. It is concluded that libraries communicative practices, which successfully combine traditional and innovative technologies, are an effective means to disseminate legal information and legal knowledge, form legal competence, legal culture and active citizenship of members of society, as well as help to establish and maintain interaction between government and citizens for the mutual benefit of both parties to communication. The communication between the government and the public is ensured by the establishment of bilateral communication, which aims to promote the improvement of the author it ies activities and the participation of citizens in public administration. Due to their role in implementing legal communication practices, libraries are an active component of the information society.

Keywords: legal competence, interaction, dialog communication, innovative decisions, communicative practices, traditional and innovative technologies.

Author(s) citation:

Liudmyla Sisina (2022). Legal Information in Libraries Communicative Practices. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (63) 176-190. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.63.176


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