Микитенко О. - Максим Рильський і час: текстологія або інтерпретація (2022)

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Oksana Mykytenko

Maksym Rylsky and the Time: Textual Analysis or Interpretation

Abstract: Purpose of the article is to stress the importance of the textual analysis of M. Rylsky’s works. Methodology is based on the application of textual, contextual, historical-comparative and biographical methods, as well as the method of critical literature interpretation. Scientific novelty. The phrase Great poets are always contemporaries of new generations belong to M. Rylsky. While it was said about T. Shevchenko, today it could be applied equally to M. Rylsky. Basing the necessity of the new academic publication of Rylsky’s works, more then once I have to hear the opinion that the modern interpretation of his heritage (literary, publicistic, scientific) is advisable. We meet such view in a number of popular editions dedicated to M. Rylsky, where the author’s texts are presented in selective, shorten and modern wording form (linguistic as well). Collected works (prose, essay, publicism, epistolary etc.) are combined with editorials’ articles and their own ideological estimations and contemporary marks to correct the impression left in the consciousness of generations. Of course it is important to present today, and especially to the wide readers, the poet’s works of the 40th–60th of the 20th century, nevertheless the texts by M. Rylsky (not only his own, but also works by other authors, translated or edited by him), always have been and remain the example of the most careful, attentive, deliberate in details attitude to the word. Conclusions. To show today what was done by M. Rylsky, it is necessary not only to solve the tasks of the textual analysis of his works, it is important to examine the memoirs of contemporaries, taking into account the widest context of the epoch and his creative work, that presents the very person of the poet, scholar and citizen, and allows to avoid the superficial inferences about the many-sided talented personality and the time, in which he lived and created.

Keywords: M. Rylsky, creative work, interpretation, textual analysis, time.

Author(s) citation:

Oksana Mykytenko (2022). Maksym Rylsky and the Time: Textual Analysis or Interpretation. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (63) 193-203. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.63.193


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