Лощинська Н. - Славістичні студії на сторінках журналу "Радянська література" (2022)

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Nataliya Loschynska

Slavic Studies in Radianska Literatura Journal

Abstract: Journalism of the 1930's and 1940’s could be regarded nowadays as a complex, ambiguous, understudied phenomenon. Literary journals represent the main components of the literary process and reflect the general trends in the development of modern literature, carrying out their critical analysis. On the one hand, there was a complete renunciation of the ideals of Ukrainization, a turn to the repression of writers, the pursuit of progressive views. On the other − the mobilization of spiritual forces in the face of the Nazi enemy, the activation of patriotic slogans, national pride. After all, during the II World War, as never before, the printed word was both a powerful psychological weapon, an instrument of psychological influence, and a way of agitation and propaganda. The article presents analysis of Slavic studies in the front pages of the press organ of the Ukrainian Soviet literary forces, the art-critical journal Radianska Literatura (Soviet Literature) (1933–1945). According to the direction, the main place was occupied by prose, poetic, non-fiction works of contemporary authors, critical articles, reviews, historical, linguistic, popular science publications. Slavic studies are presented through works of art, literary studies, chronicle notes, obituaries. Because of the policy of Russification, most of them dealt with Russian literature. Despite this tendency, social commitment, Communist party pressure, now these studies are part of the history of national Slavic studies and are of undeniable interest for researchers and non-professional readers alike. The purpose of the study is to establish the peculiarities of the functioning of Radianska Literatura in the conditions of strict total control and severe repression in all areas of cultural life; identifying trends in literary and literary Slavic studies.

Keywords: revival shot, periodicals, literary journal, Slavic studies, literary process.

Author(s) citation:

Nataliya Loschynska (2022). Slavic Studies in Radianska Literatura Journal. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (63) 340-349. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.63.340


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