Горовий В. - Бібліотечний ресурс у сучасній інформаційній діяльності (2022)

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Valery Horovyi

Library Resource in Modern Information Activity

Abstract: The article considers the problem of forming the information basis of national development. This basis is based on the practical experience of the evolution of the species Homo Sapiens, the development of its representatives’ work skills, forms of communication, the practice of recording knowledge they have elaborated, their experience in various forms of written culture, the formation of public memory in centers of preservation and use of information acquired by library structures during its development for various purposes. During the revolutionary transformations of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in the information sphere of society, related to the development of electronic information technologies, with the intensification of global information processes in the process of their computerization, library institutions acquire new organizing qualities. In the modern organization of information processes it is computerized libraries that contribute to the growth of quality, social significance of modern information exchanges. The importance of libraries as public information centers, centers of preservation and development of national memory, information national consolidation of Ukrainian society is growing.

Keywords: globalization, national information space, library funds, information base of national development, informatization, landmarks of information creation, public memory, mentality, mental stability, libraries in social consolidation.

Author(s) citation:

Valery Horovyi (2022). Library Resource in Modern Information Activity. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (63) 9-22. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.63.009


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