Половинчак Ю. - Візуальний контент соціальних медіа як об'єкт бібліотечного депонування (на базі матеріалів висвітлення подій війни 2022р.), Берегельський А. (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 63)Ukrainian English

Yuliia Polovynchak, Andrii Berehelsky

Visual Content of Social Media as an Object of Library Deposit(case of the content related to 2022 war)

Abstract: The article focuses on optimal strategies for the formation of library collections of visual content on the example of visual materials of various origins, designed for dissemination on social networks as a response to the military invasion of 2022. The expediency of such a deposit is substantiated given the impact of communication on social networks. The effectiveness of such communication and the importance of the content created in its process are associated with the ability of social media to manifest and consolidate information, influencing the formation of public opinion, views, attitudes. Along with the value of such information as a source for current and future research in various fields of the humanities, emphasis is placed on its fluidity and disappearance over a short period of time. These factors determine the need to consolidate efforts of experts and practitioners in monitoring, recording, systematizing of relevant contentand its further presentation in library databases. The concept of creolized text, Internet folklore and storytelling are proposed as the components of theoretical basis for collecting visual content, and such characteristics of visual content as collectivity, variability, improvisation, worldview engagement, should be taken into account. The main criteria of primary systematization of material in the process of monitoring and selection are offered in the article. Preliminary information on sources includes metadata, title, authorship, origin, keywords. The expediency to accompany the selection of primary sources by an annotation, determination of the place and date of the event or phenomenon to which the content, personalities and institutions are related, is substantiated.

Keywords: social media, databases, war, visual content, post folklore, meme, creolized text.

Author(s) citation:

Yuliia Polovynchak (2022). Visual Content of Social Media as an Object of Library Deposit(case of the content related to 2022 war). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (63) 23-32. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.63.023


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