Мушкетик Л. - Презентація Української Громади Угорщини у цифровій мережі (2022)

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Lesia Mushketyk

Presentation of the Ukrainian Community in Hungary on the Digital Network

Abstract: Subject of research: information resources of the Ukrainian diaspora in Hungary. The purpose of the study is to review and analyze the content of the website www.ukrajinci.hu, which covers the political, cultural and educational activities of Ukrainians in Hungary. The research methodology is based on systemic, structural and interdisciplinaryapproaches, methods of analysis and synthesis. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time the diverse activities of Hungarian Ukrainians, the functionsand importance of these resources for both the inhabitants of Hungary and the mainland have been witnessed and described with the help of electronic media. Overthe last decade, the current site has been radically updated, supplemented, its presentation and design is interesting, presentable, vividly illustrated. The MAIN page of the sitecontains basic information about the state self-government of Ukrainians in Hungary. The section SELF–GOVERNMENT deals with the capital and district self-governmentsof Budapest and other cities in Hungary. The rubric DOCUMENTATION includes data on constituent documents, statutes, announcements, register of names, etc. One canlearn about various events from the EVENTS section: announcements, news, archive. The main materials on education, culture and religion of the Ukrainian diasporain Hungary are placed in two major sections: ABOUT US (self-government, center of Ukrainian culture and documentation, Ukrainian sunday school at SSUU, women’s club Horlytsia, Internet TV, Ukrainian Bulletin, printed publications, library), and the section UKRAINIANS IN HUNGARY (history, Ukrainian societies in Hungary, Ukrainianchurch in Hungary, Ukrainian native school, representatives of Ukrainians in the Hungarian parliament, Ukrainian musicians in Hungary, Ukrainian artists in Hungary,Ukrainian poets and writers in Hungary, Ukrainian theater, Ukrainian institutions, monuments).

Keywords: Hungary, Ukrainians, site, headings, culture, education, information, functions.

Author(s) citation:

Lesia Mushketyk (2022). Presentation of the Ukrainian Community in Hungary on the Digital Network. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (63) 33-49. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.63.033


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