Закіров М. - Дилема інформаційної безпеки особистості в інформаційному суспільстві, Закірова С. (2022)

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Мarat Zakirov, Svitlana Zakirova

The Dilemma of Information Security of the Individual in the Information Society

Abstract: The paper presents an analysis of the state of information security of the individual in the context of development and application of the latest tools for collecting, analyzing and using personal information of users. The concept of "information society" are clarified. The characteristics of the phenomenon of information security are determined and the features of information security of the individual are revealed. The influence of the latest information technologies on the individual space and confidentiality of personal life is traced. Scientific understanding of the current stage of civilizational development resulted in the information society concept. The phenomenon of personal information security has two interrelated and interdependent aspects. The first aspect involves the protection of privacy, the confidentiality of human information through the development and application of technological tools that should directly protect personal storage and information exchange devices and also include security systems of global communications networks. The second aspect of the humanitarian or psychological aspect of information security involves purposeful guiding people how to counter information influences, in particular, the articulation of sustainable worldviews, the development of critical thinking, education of active citizens hip and communication culture, and more. The problem of maintaining a balance between the minimum of information about a person in the network and the violation of personal confidentiality is a dilemma of individual’ information security in the information society. The main tool to coun teract manipulative influences is the critical thinking of social networks users, the a bility to self-assess the information received, and a conscious civic position.

Keywords: information security dilemma, personal space, manipulation, information society, personality

Author(s) citation:

Мarat Zakirov (2022). The Dilemma of Information Security of the Individual in the Information Society. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (63) 50-64. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.63.050


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