Беззуб Ю. - Переплетення доль: сторінки взаємин Лесі Українки, Надії Кибальчич і Бориса Грінченка (за листами Лесі Українки), Клименко Н. (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 64)Ukrainian English

Bezzub Yurii, Klymenko Ninel

Interweaving of Destinies: Pages of the Relationship between Lesya Ukrainka, Nadiya Kybalchych and Borys Grinchenko (Based on Lesya Ukrainka’s Letters)

Abstract: The article, based on the extensive involvement of ego documents (correspondence, memories, diaries etc.) examines important pages of the life and activities of Lesya Ukrainka, Nadiya Kostyantynivna Kybalchych, and Borys Dmytrovych Grinchenko. Lesya Ukrainka maintained a close correspondence with N. Kybalchych and B. Grinchenko, and her letters are an important source for reproducing the so-calledinternal (informal) history of Ukrainian literary and social life at the beginning of the 20th century. Some little-known facts and events of their private lives, the study of which in their intertwining enriches the researchers’ understanding of various aspects of the contemporary life and literary creativity, are reproduced. Their creative and social connections, as well as personal relationships at the beginning of the 20th century, are analyzed.The idea of the cultural and socio-political atmosphere in Ukraine in the period 1900–1914 is expanded. It is proven that familiarization with ego documents, in particular Lesya Ukrainka’s letters, along with the use of traditional sources, reveals unique information about the realities of life, thoughts, and actions of people in the literary and cultural environment. It makes possible to more fully reproduce the processes of transformation of literaturein to an influential socio-political factor and the formation of diverse literature of the 20th century from the personal perspective of individual writers. It is shown that the creative contacts and personal relationships of Lesya Ukrainka, Nadiya Kybalchych and Borys Grinchenko were based on the principles of friendship, respect and mutual assistance. It is concluded that studies using the letters of Lesya Ukrainka significantly enrichthe historiography of the literary and social movement at the early of the 20th century and the very formation of the modern Ukrainian nation.

Keywords: Lesya Ukrainka, Nadiya Kybalchych, Borys Grinchenko, letters, egodocuments, writer, literature, social and political movement.

Author(s) citation:

Bezzub Yurii (2022). Interweaving of Destinies: Pages of the Relationship between Lesya Ukrainka, Nadiya Kybalchych and Borys Grinchenko (Based on Lesya Ukrainka’s Letters). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (64) 174-195. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.64.174


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