Симоненко Т. - Галузевий розподіл української науки і проєкція на міжнародну арену (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 64)Ukrainian English

Symonenko Tetiana

Industrial Distribution of Ukrainian Science and its Projection on the International Arena

Abstract: The planning and coordination of scientific research today must match the dynamic nature of innovation. Therefore, systematic monitoring and analysis of the state of development of national scientific potential is an appropriate and urgent task.The purpose of this work is to explore and analyze the industrial distribution of sciencein Ukraine, to consider its projection on the international arena, to determine the direction of diversification. The research methodology is based on systematic and structural approaches, methods of bibliometrics and comparative analysis. The database Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science was chosen as the information base for thestudy – the only register of scientific declarations (bibliometric profiles) of scientists in the Google Scholar, Scopus, Publons systems. The profile database has been formed since 2014 with the direct participation of the scientific community. The obtained results are analyzed. The result is disappointing – we have a significant disproportion between the number of scientists in the industrial and non-industrial branches of science. Economic and social sciences are leading in terms of the number of scientists in Ukraine. However, their representation in the international arenais 17 and 19 times lower, respectively. The article identifies the causes of obvious disproportions, suggests ways to improve the situation. Despite many years of destruction of Ukrainian science, several high-tech industries (physics and mathematics, engineering, chemistry) are represented in the international Scopus database. The reasons for significant disagreements between the scientific heritage of Ukrainian scientists and the degree of its representation in foreign systemsare considered. It is concluded that modern developments in the field of accumulation and processing of scientific information, a deep analysis of the data obtained should become an important aspect of the scientific and innovative policy of managers to promote the economic growth of Ukraine.

Keywords: branches of science, bibliometric monitoring, distribution, scientific potential.

Author(s) citation:

Symonenko Tetiana (2022). Industrial Distribution of Ukrainian Science and its Projection on the International Arena. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (64) 327-341. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.64.327


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