Спіріна С. - Сучасні форми залучення користувачів до представлення та просування цифрових бібліотечних колекцій (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 64)Ukrainian English

Spirina Svitlana

Modern Forms and Methods of Presentation of Digital Collections by Foreign Libraries

Abstract: The paper examines the modern experience of foreign libraries in presenting their electronic resources via introduction of the latest technological capabilities.The initiatives of foreign libraries to create experimental platforms to encourage users to creatively use digital media, to create laboratories for studying and developing new programs and projects, to expand the dialogue of libraries with users through mobile applications and chatbots, as well as to create a number of projects for self development and teaching, are analyzed. The importance of regular work of foreign library institutions to improve the technical capabilities of user service, to provide the most complete and open technological solutions for the distribution of their historical funds in order to preserve rare and unique collections for posterity using the latest technologies, is noted. And the opportunity to use collections in the virtual space enables remote access at a time convenient for any user to obtain the necessary information. The need to introduce a creative approach to the modern activity of Ukrainian library structures, with the aim of technologically expanding the capabilities of librariesin view of the experience and positive changes in the work of foreign colleagues, is emphasized. Prospective directions for improving the development of electronic resourcesin Ukrainian library structures have been determined – the creation of the most complete and open technological solutions for the distribution of their funds, the creation of integrated electronic resources by libraries, which would provide an opportunity to consolidate various projects from different institutions; the use of crowd sourcing technologies and other means of communication, which are becoming an integral element of modern communication between the library and the user.

Keywords: libraries, archives, museums, electronic resources, electronic libraries, portals, digital collections, remote service, chatbot.

Author(s) citation:

Spirina Svitlana (2022). Modern Forms and Methods of Presentation of Digital Collections by Foreign Libraries. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (64) 381-391. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.64.381


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