Дем'яненко М. - Політична комунікація: сутнісні характеристики і проблеми інформаційної безпеки (2022)

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Demianenko Mykhailo

Political Communication: Essential Characteristics and Problems of Information Security

Abstract: The article presents the study of the phenomenon of political communication. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of this phenomenon and its characteristics in view of the evolution of information and communication technologies and the political process, are analyzed. Some scientific approaches to the study of the conceptof political communication are considered, in particular in the context of the theory of communication, social communications, as well as mass communication processes. Mandatory structural elements of political communication are identified: communicator, message, communication channel, communicator, perception, feedback. Particularattention is paid to the study of the relationship of political communication with national social communications and mass communications. The subject composition, levels and functions of this phenomenon are described. The dominant role of the Internet in modern information and communication processes as a means of transmitting information to most of society, is presented. Through the Internet, the effectiveness of the influence of political actors in the implementation of their activities increases. There is political agitation and dissemination of unreliable information, propaganda, etc., and as a result, manipulation with public consciousness.The influence of political communication on socio-political processes is analyzed, and using it as a ground, it could be concluded that it not only improves information exchange in politics, but can also be used to perform manipulative influences on anindividual or social group, differentiation of society by political characteristics, and accordingly, pose threats to information security at both internal and national levels. In this regard, the features of minimizing negative influences in the process of political communication and increasing the efficiency of information and communication activities of the public administration system, have been studied.

Keywords: political c ommunication, information and communication technologies; manipulative influence, information security.

Author(s) citation:

Demianenko Mykhailo (2022). Political Communication: Essential Characteristics and Problems of Information Security. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (64) 395-408. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.64.395


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