Горова С. - Маніпулятивні технології в умовах сьогодення та проблеми їх нейтралізації (2022)

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Horova Svitlana

Manipulative Technologies in Today’s Conditions and Problems of their Neutralization

Abstract: The publication examines the specifics of modern national information sovereignty, modern threats to its development and their neutralization, taking into account ongoing Russian invasion, which also covers the information sphere. Information sovereignty is closely related to the information base, which is the basis of the nation existence and development. That is, sovereign arrays of information include the part of the general information resource, without which the existence and development of the nation is impossible. In comparison with information of general importance, the sovereign part of the resources of social information bases changes precisely under the influence of challenges that determine the evolutionof the sovereign.The presence of a multi-level system necessary for the development of the state, thenation, all elements of the modern complex social structure of sovereign information resources, which together constitute the information sovereignty of Ukrainian society, is an indicator of its harmonious development and viability. In today’s fast-moving world of events and situations, the effectiveness of information sovereignty is measured by the quality of control over information resources by national means. Recently, this control has become especially complicated with the development of the latest information technologies, in particular, social networks. With the development of the global information space, the processes of global informatization, social information communications on the one hand, and the democratization of society, which covers more and more regions of the globe, differentiates society– on the other hand, the problem of ensuring the information sovereignty of peoples and states is gaining more and more importance. Only its successful implementation can ensure averting the threat of global unification, that is, the dead-end path of the development of our civilization. Accordingly, taking into account, among other things, the information war unleashed by the Russian Federation, library institutions are improving their activities. Libraries acquire appropriate practical capabilities, expand the range of their functions, based on the capabilities of electronic information technologies, and contribute to the neutralization of threats to the national information space.

Keywords: sovereignty, sovereign information resources, globalization, threats to information security, manipulative technologies, informational and psychological influence, library institutions.

Author(s) citation:

Horova Svitlana (2022). Manipulative Technologies in Today’s Conditions and Problems of their Neutralization. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (64) 74-82. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.64.074


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