Хилько М. - Індикатори цілісності соціокультурного простору України, Хилько О. (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 64)Ukrainian English

Khylko Maksym, Khylko Olena

Indicators of the Integrity of the Socio-Cultural Space of Ukraine

Abstract: The aim of the study was to analyse indicators of the integrity of socio-cultural space in the context of prospects for consolidation of Ukrainian society, taking into account modern academic and applied approaches to constructing socio-cultural integrity as a component of social integrity. An interdisciplinary approach, axiological approach, structural analysis, methods of political science and sociology were used to study the integrity of socio-cultural space, equality of opportunities for human potential, as well as to identify possible differences that hinder internal transformations. The following dimensions of the integrity of the socio-cultural space were studied: values and solidarity; integration and social affiliation; multiculturalism, tolerance and non-discrimination; social capital; expectations for social mobility. Recommendations for strengthening the socio-cultural integrity of Ukrainian society were provided.The study of indicators of the integrity of the socio-cultural space of Ukraine allows to speak of a gradual movement towards increasing consolidating social capital.The citizens of Ukraine are dominated by a rather traditional hierarchy of social priorities with a high share of the family and the immediate environment one, which is the core of social ties. At the same time, through the structures of self-organization there is an increase in horizontal ties between Ukrainians; there is a growing awareness of the importance of universal values, which in Ukraine are usually called European: democracy, rule of law, freedom of religion, personal freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, self-realization, the value of human life etc. Progress on gender equality and increasing tolerance of socially vulnerable groups are noticeable, although there is still much work to be done in these areas. There is a gap between the relatively low theoretical perception and the much higher willingness of citizens in practice to share responsibility with the government for the processes taking place in the state, especially at critical moments in history, such as war. Despite some progress, there is still a need to strengthen the integrative potential of education and science, and libraries can playan important role, especially if they will strengthen their capacity through the latest means of communication and development to perform functions of modern information and communication hubs.

Keywords: socio-cultural integrity, social integrity, social group, integration, integrity indicators.

Author(s) citation:

Khylko Maksym (2022). Indicators of the Integrity of the Socio-Cultural Space of Ukraine. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (64) 83-95. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.64.083


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