Спіріна С. - Цифровий архів та методи дистанційної роботи зарубіжних бібліотек (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 65)Ukrainian English

Spirina Svitlana

Digital Archive and Remote Work Methods of Foreign

Abstract: The article examines the experience of the national libraries of Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Austria in filling and presenting their digital collections. The strategic goals of the libraries’ work were considered, developments related to the improvement of digital archive maintenance methods, improvement of content in order to simplify the use of user funds while working with a computer or tablet, and improvement of digitization methods were noted. Thanks to the corresponding programs, the created web environment and mobile application enable the user to conduct a search, place an order and monitor the status of the order and receive notifications about the arrival of the ordered documents. As a result, it was found that modern foreign library institutions are constantly working on improving the programs for filling digital collections, as well as the conditions for convenient and high-quality technical support when working with the presented collections through the computer and mobile devices of users. As evidenced by the strategic plans of library institutions, their purpose and goal is to become modern preservation platforms for the descendants of their collections, as well as to constantly work on improving technical programs to provide high-quality and convenient forms of use of these collections to a wide range of users from various topics and preferences. Based on the results of the analysis of the activities of libraries, it was found that modern library institutions should constantly monitor the improvement of software for creating digital collections, expand access to them using various devices. Also noted is the tendency of libraries to combine their platforms to enable the use of collections from other relevant institutions for faster and more convenient search for relevant queries.

Keywords: digital collections, website, mobile app, ӦNB Labs, digital ID, deduplication, hash values, research blogs.

Author(s) citation:

Spirina Svitlana (2022). Digital Archive and Remote Work Methods of Foreign. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (65) 195-206. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.65.195


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