Кабаренкова Є. - Бібліотека у забезпеченні можливостей для старшого покоління (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 65)Ukrainian English

Kabarenkova Evgenia

The Library in Providing Opportunities for the Older Persons

Abstract: The paper presents study of older persons’ needs and the role and capabilities of library resources in serving this category of users, based on the analysis of the demographic situation in Ukraine. The newest forms and methods in the work of book collections that contribute to the social integration of the elderly, the improvement of their legal education, the maintenance of the intellectual level, etc., are considered. The article emphasizes that the issue of the role of libraries in ensuring the social integration of the elderly persons in Ukraine should be considered in the general context of the relevant state policy and social guidelines. Thematic recommendations of M. V. Ptuha Institute for Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, were developed jointly with the United Nations Population Fund. From the point of view of library practice, the directions recommended by demographers are highlighted, including: encouraging the elderly to participate in educational programs, as well as diversifying disciplines and courses, developing (or adapting) educational programs for different age groups, taking into account the age-specific features of the mental and physiological development of the elderly persons, increasing the access of senior citizens to the latest technologies with appropriate training, prevention of discrimination and cruel treatment of the elderly in all spheres of life, etc. The article emphasizes that a significant part of what is recommended, is implemented already in the work of regional and local libraries, because, promptly responding to the needs of the community, they closely cooperate with social services, contribute to the implementation of state, regional and local programs for older persons. Specific examples of new approaches and priorities in the organization of service for users of this age category are given, which allows us to conclude about the desire of library workers to create the most comfortable conditions for persons in retire to satisfy their reading requests, support their intellectual level, social integration, etc. And the rapid development of information technologies promotes innovative transformations in the work of libraries.

Keywords: population aging, library, education, computer literacy, legal aid, information.

Author(s) citation:

Kabarenkova Evgenia (2022). The Library in Providing Opportunities for the Older Persons. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (65) 207-216. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.65.207


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