Кашеварова Н. - Зовнішньополітичне відомство НСДАП (1933-1942) у розробці стратегії "нового європейського порядку" (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 65)Ukrainian English

Kashevarova Nataliya

The NSDAP Office of Foreign Affairs (1933–1942) in the Development of the "New European Order" Strategy

Abstract: The purpose of the publication is to analyze the documents of the NSDAP Office of Foreign Affairs (German: Außenpolitisches Amt der NSDAP, hereinafter – APA) (1933–1942) as sources of the ideology of Nazi foreign policy, to find out the directions of activity of the APA in the spread of National Socialist ideology and its contribution to the formation of militaristic attitudes in the Third Reich and the strategy of the future war. The research methodology is based on general scientific principles and methods of scientific research, in particular, on the principles of historicism and objectivity, methods of structural-functional and comparative analysis and synthesis, problem-thematic, chronological methods, as well as methods of source studies and document studies. The novelty of the research is in determining the entire documentary composition of the APA archive, clarifying the directions of its activities, highlighting its contribution to the formation of the Nazi foreign policy of the Third Reich, which, among other things, contained the prospects of developing a new “living space”. Conclusions. Creation of a positive image of National Socialism, the organization of the pro-Nazi movement, the search for allies on the international arena, among other things with the aim of creating an “anti-Bolshevik block” of European states, the development of trade relations with various countries for the food and military equipment, others should be mentioned among the tasks of the APA in European countries in 1933–1939. Collection of information about the internal situation in various countries was an important part, and personal contacts, support of pro-Nazi leaders, publishing houses, ideological training of German diplomats, distribution of NSDAP publications, organization of cultural events, support of the emigrant movement were used. At the end of the 1930 s, the formation of the strategy of Germany’s foreign policy and economic activity, and the development of the concept of the “new European order”, became of great importance. The activities of the APA actually ceased at the beginning of 1943. Most of its documents are kept in the Federal Archives of Germany, in the fond NS 43 (“Außenpolitisches Amt der NSDAP”), which includes 480 archival files, among which analytical and informational materials occupy a leading place. APA documents are also among the materials of the NS 8 fond (“Kanzlei Rosenberg”). Correspondence is another important part of the documents of the APA archive.

Keywords: the Third Reich, National-Socialism, Ideology, Propaganda, the NSDAP Office for Foreign Affairs, the Second World War, occupation, Alfred Rosenberg.

Author(s) citation:

Kashevarova Nataliya (2022). The NSDAP Office of Foreign Affairs (1933–1942) in the Development of the "New European Order" Strategy. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (65) 54-71. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.65.054


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