Гребенюк А. - Державна уніфікована система документації у сфері юриспруденції: її місце і роль серед систем документації (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 65)Ukrainian English

Hrebeniuk Alla

State Unified Documentation System in the field of Jurisdiction: its Place and Role among Documentation Systems

Abstract: The article deals with determining the place and role of the state unified system of documentation in the field of jurisprudence. It is proved that determining the place and role of the state unified system of documentation in the field of jurisprudence has not yet become the object of study. Provisions on the functioning of existing documentation systems are analyzed, which are divided into: basic, infrastructural and disciplinary. Changes and additions to their classification are developed, the state unified system of documentation in the field of jurisprudence is localized among them.The state unified system of documentation in the field of jurisprudence is a set of official documents that have a single form and are prepared in accordance with uniform standards, designed to ensure and to set a direction for the activities of state executive bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as their one-vector and two-vector links іn relations with individuals and legal entities of all forms of ownership in the legal sphere, exchange of information with them. It is proposed to single out documentation systems in the field of science, education and practical activities among the basic documentation systems. The material-production, social and historical forms of this activity are determined, in the last of which jurisprudence and the state legal unified system of documentation are localized. Its diffusion into other basic systems (education and science), system-forming role for them is proved. It was found that the state unified system of documentation in the field of jurisprudence is a part of the legal system of documentation. Together with management system of documentation, it represents the infrastructure systems, which are characterized by the property of diffusion and which operate in the infrastructure of the basic areas and ensure their functioning. The need for addition of the spectrum of scientific and disciplinary systems of documentation (technical, humanitarian, natural), formed on the content of scientific (scientific and technical) branches, by public disciplinary system of documentation; similar introduction of the corresponding structure of educational disciplinary systems of documentation, were made evident. It is determined that the state unified system of documentation in the field of jurisprudence is a type of these disciplinary systems of documentation, since law occupies its own place in the spectrum of social sciences and academic disciplines.

Keywords: state unified documentation system in the field of jurisprudence, basic documentation systems, infrastructure documentation systems, disciplinary documentation systems, diffusion of documentation system, correlation of documentation systems.

Author(s) citation:

Hrebeniuk Alla (2022). State Unified Documentation System in the field of Jurisdiction: its Place and Role among Documentation Systems. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (65) 75-84. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.65.075


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