Самохіна Ж. - Сучасні тенденції застосування віртуальних комунікацій у бібліотеках (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 66)Ukrainian English

Samokhina Zhanna

Current Application Trends of Virtual Communications in Libraries

Section: Section 2. Electronic information resources of the scientific library in the modern web environment

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to analyze and systematize the latest tools of Internet communications, which are necessary for understanding the expediency of using the main complex of modern means of promoting library productson the Internet in order to increase the efficiency of the domestic library and information service. Research methods. To achieve the goal, a complex of general scientific approaches and methods was used: analysis, generalization and synthesis, comparison method, classification method, system, structural, socio-communication approaches, source analysis and analysis of websites of domestic library institutions. The scientific novelty consists in the presentation of modern trends in the development of marketing Internet communications in the library sphere; substantiation of prospective directions of application by domestic libraries of effective latest models of Internet marketing tools for expansion spectrum of services and intellectual services, forms of presentation of library and information products; analysis of the main complex of modern means of virtual communications for promotion of library information products on the Internet; introduction of the Internet communication component in relation to the specifics of library activity on the example of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. Conclusions.Thus, the construction of a system of communication relations on the Internet for the library industry is attractive for its simplicity and cheapness. It is important for libraries to focus on studying the information needs of users, constantly improving their activities by expanding the list of information products and services, developing additional services, since the main goal of innovations in the library field is highly effective, high-quality and comfortable service for readers.

Keywords: library and information product, researcher profile, remote user, electronic document delivery, mobile library services.

Author(s) citation:

Samokhina Zhanna (2022). Current Application Trends of Virtual Communications in Libraries. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (66) 183-195. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.66.183


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