Струнгар А. - Вплив соціальних медіа на вебсайти як складник політики бібліотечної діяльності в інтерактивному вебсередовищі, Струнгар В. (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 66)Ukrainian English

Strungar Artur, Strungar Valeriia

The Impact of Social Media on Websites as Part of Library Policy in an Interactive Web Environment

Section: Section 2. Electronic information resources of the scientific library in the modern web environment

Abstract: The purpose of the article. Determine the impact of social media onlibrary websites as part of library policy in an interactive web environment. Themethodology is based on systemic and structural approaches, on the methods ofcomparative, logical, and structural-functional analysis. Scientific novelty. Thearticle studies the impact of social media on websites as part of library policy inan interactive web environment. Indicators for determining the effectiveness ofweb resources depending on the specific tasks of institutions are determined andtested. The most popular social media and their impact on web resources areanalyzed. The effectiveness of the use of social networks by library institutionsis proved. The information and communication links of social networks and webresources and the establishment of an effective agency policy on web resources are identified, taking into account their capabilities. Conclusions. Social networks reacha significant audience of users and create behavioral factors that generate socialtraffic, thus acting as a necessary tool for promoting important information in theInternet space. It is determined that today the development of library activities inthe conditions of technical leap and informatization that has taken place, leads tothe fact that institutions are not effective enough in transmitting information throughsearch engines. It is worth noting that human resources are extremely important –for example, the creation of SEO-departments that would combine the work of siteprogrammers, content editors and external technologies to promote web resources insearch engines. Some influence of social media on websites was noted, which can bean integral part of the policy of library activities in an interactive web environment.In order to have an effective library policy in the interactive web environment,libraries need to improve technological resources, professional skills, change themechanisms of websites and form a clear strategic vision of what publications arecreated for, for which audiences, improve understanding of how long monitoringthe external development of the website compared to the internal using furtherimprovement of the entire work – "user – information".

Keywords: library, social networks, websites, Ahrefs, Alexa, DR, UR, Facebook,Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, TikTok.

Author(s) citation:

Strungar Artur (2022). The Impact of Social Media on Websites as Part of Library Policy in an Interactive Web Environment. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (66) 211-227. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.66.211


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