Казакова Н. - Бібліотека науковця Веніаміна Еппеля: досвід опрацювання й збереження приватного книгозібрання, Супронюк О. (2022)

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Kazakova Nataliya, Suproniuk Oksana

The Library of the Scientist Veniamin Eppel: the Experience of Developing and Preserving a Private Book Collection

Section: Section 3. Reference and bibliographic resources: formation, use, organization of access

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to present information on the development and preservation of the private library of the collector and bibliophile Veniamin Leonardovich Eppel (1970–2013). The methodological basis was the principles of objectivity and systematicity, formal-logical and social-communication approaches; general scientific methods (interpretation, analysis and synthesis, generalization, descriptive) and special bibliographic methods (bibliographic, historical bibliographic analysis, structural-typological). The scientific novelty consists in the representation of generalized information about the library of V. Eppel, which became part of the Ukrainian cultural heritage. Conclusions. The proposed study testified that V. Eppel made a significant and significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian culture, and the library and archive were transferred to the scientific library of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" after the death of the researcher. V. Eppel’s collection includes a wide range of authoritative monographs of famous scientists from Ukraine, the countries of the former USSR and the Ukrainian diaspora; scientific collections, almanacs, rare periodicals and gray literature; significant in scope and exceptional value of the collection of reference and bibliographic works. Information about the collection is fully entered into thee-catalogue, and its contents can be found on the website of the scientific library. The value of the collection is enhanced by the presence of rare regional books and periodicals (which are only in the VE collection) and which make up mini-selections of publishing houses in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Lviv, Drohobych, Uzhhorod, Poltava, Chernihiv, etc. A review of V. Eppel’s private library shows that it is auniversal collection, which includes books and periodicals on various topics, of various genres in Ukrainian and foreign languages, and preserves a large number of cultural artifacts.

Keywords: Veniamin Eppel, pseudonym, pseudonym, private library, scientific library of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".

Author(s) citation:

Kazakova Nataliya (2022). The Library of the Scientist Veniamin Eppel: the Experience of Developing and Preserving a Private Book Collection. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (66) 291-308. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.66.291


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