Куцаєва Т. - Українознавчі етюди про екслібриси в Національному музеї історії України, Ткачук К. (2022)

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Kutsaieva Tamara, Tkachuk Kostiantyn

Ukrainian Bookplates in The National Museum of History of Ukraine

Section: Section 3. Reference and bibliographic resources: formation, use, organization of access

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to continue the review of private and institutional libraries in the Library Fund of the National Museum of History of Ukraine. The authors introduce into scientific circulation new knowledge about Ukrainian bookplates (stickers) as sources for historical and biographical studies about everyday life and readers preferences of the appropriate period of history and owners of bookplates. Art analysis of samples of book graphics also is among purposes of the study. Research methodology: historical method, de visu, analysis and synthesis, systematization, classification and comparative analysis, problem chronological method, personal approach and description of books. Scientific novelty is realizes via detailed attribution and cataloging of all those bookplates (stickers) that are connected with Ukraine according birth or activity of their private owners and location of foundation of institutional owners, content of plots and their authors. Results of the study are presented in the first catalogue. Conclusions. New knowledge about all Ukrainian bookplates (stickers) (16 units) in the Museum Library Fund has been formed. New biographical and historical material as wellas the new material for Ukrainian studies and book studies has determined the relevance of continue studying of the museum book collections as well as individual study of little-known biographies of bookplates owners and activities of institutions to which libraries they belonged.

Keywords: book graphics, Jewish studies, Hrushkevuch Evzeviy, Shchavynskyi Vasyl, Ukrainian bookplate, Ukrainian studies.

Author(s) citation:

Kutsaieva Tamara (2022). Ukrainian Bookplates in The National Museum of History of Ukraine. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (66) 309-324. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.66.309


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