Шумілова А. - Відображення наукового доробку Дмитра Івановича Багалія у бібліографічних покажчиках (2022)

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Shumilova Angela

Reflection of Dmitry Bagaliy’s Scientific Work in Bibliographical Indicators

Section: Section 3. Reference and bibliographic resources: formation, use, organization of access

Abstract: The goal of the article. The purpose of the article was to reflect the significant contribution of the scientist to the development of historical science in Ukraine, cover scientific achievements of Dmytro Bagaliy in bibliographic publications and analyze aspects of the connection of prominent Ukrainian historian, academician with bibliography. The article is prepared in line with the implementation of the scientific theme of 2019–2021 "Theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of the formation of the national bibliography in the context of studying the heritage of Ukrainian science and culture". Research methods. General scientific methods of system and historical approaches are applied; empirical methods of description and modeling; analytical and thematic method; source and statistical analysis. The scientific novelty. The first part of the study analyzes the scientific and bibliographic achievements of the scientist: his monographs, indexes, reviews, bibliographies.The significant contribution of the scientist to the development of the Ukrainian scientific and auxiliary bibliography is reflected. The second part presents a setof sources of scientific and bibliographic nature that are part of the funds of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. Personal bibliographic indexes of Academician Dmytro Bagaliy are analyzed. The article outlined the perspective of forming of the most complete scientific bibliography of the scientist to current time. Conclusions. The article highlights scientific work of Dmytro Bagaliy that is attested by a large number of thorough works. As a result of examination of a significant documentary array of sources about the life and work of a prominent Ukrainian historian we can say that historiography is quite small and does not coverall aspects of his various scientific and social activities (literary heritage, his workas a rector of Kharkiv University and mayor of Kharkiv). Researchers also shouldput attention on publications of D. Bagaliy in the field of archeography, archeology, archival studies, ethnography, etc. Analysis of sources that contain bibliographic information about the works of Academician Dmitry Bagaliy, publications abouthis life and work, provide us reasons to emphasize the need of preparation of a his bibliographic index.

Keywords: Bagaliy, Ukrainian historian, scientific progress, bibliographer.

Author(s) citation:

Shumilova Angela (2022). Reflection of Dmitry Bagaliy’s Scientific Work in Bibliographical Indicators. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (66) 363-380. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.66.363


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