Гранчак Т. - Наукова бібліотека в процесах сучасної наукової комунікації (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 66)Ukrainian English

Hranchak Tetiana

Scientific Library in Modern Scientific Communication Processes

Section: Section 1. Development of activities of scientific libraries in the conditions of transformation of scientific communications

Abstract: The purpose of the study. Disclosure of the role of the scientific library atvarious stages of scientific communication in the conditions of further digitization of science, identification of relevant trends in the development of the librarian profession, taking into account the task of structural and functional adaptation of the scientific library to the transformations of the scientific sphere. Research methods. The use of systematic, logical, functional, analytical and review methods contributed to the achievement of the set goal. Scientific novelty. The role of the scientific library as a subject, information base and mediator at different stages of scientific communication from the idea to the presentation and implementation of scientific results, taking into account information and telecommunications andsocio-psychological network links, has been revealed; the relevance of structural modernization of the library and needs to train the subject data librarian has been substantiated. Conclusions. Acting as an information base, mediator and subjectin the system of scientific communication, the library is involved in all its stages, processes of indirect and direct scientific communication and builds network connections of information-telecommunication and socio-psychological types, providing information and communication, reference and scientific-consultingbasis for the development of science. Scientific communication of the library consists of three cycles: general, branch and institutional, the effectiveness of which requires structural and personnel modernization of the scientific library, the special units of science and research support separation and the introduction of the position of subject librarian, for whom, given his integration into the research process, the arisen tasks are mastering the minimum knowledge of certain subjects (scientific specialties) and supplementing them with digital competencies, primarily the ability of research data management. The obtained results will help to increase the efficiency of scientific libraries in providing library and information supportfor the development of science, will create a basis for the development of proposals for the training of subject data librarian.

Keywords: digital science, electronic science, scientific communication, scientific library, subject librarian, data librarian.

Author(s) citation:

Hranchak Tetiana (2022). Scientific Library in Modern Scientific Communication Processes. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (66) 40-58. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.66.040


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