Спіріна С. - Прояви солідарності з Україною світових бібліотек (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 67)Ukrainian English

Spirina Svitlana

Manifestations of Solidarity Towards Ukraine by World Libraries

Abstract: The paper deals with Ukrainian libraries’ activities during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Libraries had to expand their activity format and become not only an information center, but also a center of points of invincibility, a volunteer hub. But the author’s goal was to demonstrate the attitude of foreign libraries to the war in Ukraine. In particular, the foreign libraries’ activities in support of Ukraine is considered, their concern for the fate of historical and cultural heritage during hostilities, when bombs fall on cities, and infrastructure is destroyed, including museums and libraries, is noted.Various activities of foreign libraries are presented, and it testifies to their attitude to military operations on the territory of Ukraine, and the help they provide to Ukrainian refugees is also noted. These are, in particular, exhibitions, online meetings, concerts, debates, conferences dedicated to the language, history and socio-political situation in Ukraine. Foreign libraries present ancient history and rich culture of the Ukrainian people; historical, political, and cultural personalities known to the whole world; the richness of the Ukrainian language, the important role of Ukraine in the current political and economic process of Europe and the world. Libraries’ staff together with users col lect all possible documents about the events in Ukraine in order to create a true picture of this war for both current and future generations.The involvement of libraries’ users in the accumulation of information about the war in Ukraine, as well as in the collection of clothes, food, and children’s toys for Ukrainian refugees, are noted. Also, as part of helping refugees, foreign libraries have organized free foreign language courses for Ukrainian refugees and Ukrainian language courses for those who would like to learn it.The conclusion points to various events held by foreign libraries in support of Ukraine.

Keywords: virtual exhibitions, online meetings, round table, conference, history of Ukraine.

Author(s) citation:

Spirina Svitlana (2023). Manifestations of Solidarity Towards Ukraine by World Libraries. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (67) 162-173. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.67.162


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