Дубас Т. - Науково-видавнича діяльність національних бібліотек Польщі (2023)

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Dubas Tetiana

Scientific and Publishing Activities of National Libraries of Poland

Abstract: The research is based on the study of the foreign experience of the scientific and publishing activities of the national libraries of Poland. The peculiarities of this activity were analyzed using the cases of the National Library of Poland, the Ossolinski National Library, and the Jagiellonian Library, which is the goal of our research. The prospects for the development of scientific and publishing activities of the national libraries of Poland are highlighted. It was emphasized that the national libraries of Poland are actively developing scientific and publishing activities, integrating into the global information environment, increasing the quality of library products. Considerable attention is focused on issues of relations with foreign authors and scientific centers, especially with those whose research profiles are related to Poland. The operate, in particular, in Ukraine, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, France, or Great Britain, where numerous poloniums are kept in historical collections and archives. National libraries emphasize the presentation of recent contributions, summarizing current research results. The importance of the review process is emphasized. In order to ensure a high scientific level and quality of articles, all scientific articles submitted to the editors undergo a mandatory review procedure. It is noted that the review processes are transparent and are carried out according to rules common to all authors and reviewers. During our research, it was found that due to the meeting the high standards of review and editing process, which guarantees publications quality, the publications of the national libraries of Poland are indexed by leading international databases. It is shown that the composition of the editorial boards consists mainly of leading Polish researchers, with the involvement of foreign specialists. Article author’ particular attention is paid to the involvement of Ukrainian scholars in the international composition of editorial boards.

Keywords: national libraries of Poland, scientific publishing activity, scientific journal, peer review of articles

Author(s) citation:

Dubas Tetiana (2023). Scientific and Publishing Activities of National Libraries of Poland. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (67) 192-205. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.67.192


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