Каращук О. - Інформаційно-аналітична діяльність в умовах російської агресії (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 67)Ukrainian English

Karaschuk Oksana

Information and Analytical Activity under Conditions of Russian Aggression

Abstract: The researches of both Ukrainian and foreign researchers are analyzed. The article emphasizes that today under conditions of the armed invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, as well as in time of the information war, the problem of systematization and protection of the Ukrainian information space acquires a particularly acute and weighty importance. The impact on the individual’s consciousness with the help of mass media was monitored. It is noted that the aggressor country attaches great importance to propaganda and manipulation in social networks, as well as the use of fake information. Today it becomes clear that productive and operational information activities can significantly improve the state’s aspirations to resolve conflict situations. The work gives examples of directions of information policy of Ukraine to ensure the information security of the state, and also analyzes some methods of countering cyber threats of foreign countries. The current state of the information space of Ukraine shows that analytical activity is an important part of information work. But analytical services operating in Ukraine are quite scattered. It is noted that the information and analytical structures of the V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine play an important role in the preparation of analytical products, monitoring of the information space, identification of threats to information security, and provides a qualitative assessment of the level of information influence on the country both within the country itself and outside its borders. The article proves that a necessary element of ensuring the effective operation of any state body is to immediately carry out an information-analytical analysis of the information field not only of one’s own country, but also daily research of the information space of foreign countries. That is why, with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the employees of the National Law Library conducted a daily analysis of foreign mass media and made certain conclusions based on abstract records for the first year of the war. It has been proven that communication is a strategic tool in the development of the modern information society, thanks to which society receives true information, and the information and analytical activities of libraries should be directed to the meeting modern users’ information requests.

Keywords: information war, military aggression, manipulation, information security, analytical activity, information and analytical services, propaganda, foreign mass media, social media, information, monitoring.

Author(s) citation:

Karaschuk Oksana (2023). Information and Analytical Activity under Conditions of Russian Aggression. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (67) 230-243. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.67.230


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