Кашеварова Н. - Система ідеологічних поглядів Альфреда Розенберга у праці "Міф XX століття" (2023)

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Kashevarova Nataliya

Alfred Rosenberg‘s System of Ideological Views in the Work “The Myth of the 20th century”

Abstract: The purpose of the research is to reveal the aspect of the systematic nature of Alfred Rosenberg’s views and the ideological foundations of the Nazi state in their interconnection based on his work Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts: Eine Wertung der seelisch geistigen Gestaltenkдmpfe unserer Zeit. The scientific novelty is caused by the fact that the topic of systematicity in his work Der Mythus ideology has not yet been sufficiently studied by historians. At the same time, since Rosenberg’s work Der Mythus provides a justification of the ideology of National Socialism and racial theory in the context of the “myth of Nordic blood” and its rights to world domination, and examines the ideological principles of building the future German state, historical research on Nazism as a phenomenon that has its own conditions of emergence and specifics of development in all spheres of society, remains a priority area of history studies today. The research methodology is based on general scientific principles and methods of scientific research and the historical and source analysis of Rosenberg’s book Der Mythus des 20. Jahr hunderts. Conclusions. Alfred Rosenberg perceived the ideology of the Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts as a symbiosis of ideas that create a new quality and unity of ideology, which he associated with an intangible and unknowable “integrity factor”. From his point of view, this new ideology would guarantee the construction of a new Germany and, in the future, a new world order, which would lead to the need for a revolution ary revision of the foundations of the German state as a male military alliance. In his worldview, Rosenberg promoted the advantages of Nordic blood, its mystical soul and power, substantiated Germany’s historical rights to dominate the world with an eye to the future war for living space, and the construction of a new Third Reich on a new legal basis. At the same time, Rosenberg recognized five components necessary for the inner world of a person under the new Nazi ideology, namely political religion, morality, art, science, and philosophy, united by the idea of the total nature of National Socialism.

Keywords: National-Socialism, Ideology, Alfred Rosenberg, Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts, the Third Reich, racial theory.

Author(s) citation:

Kashevarova Nataliya (2023). Alfred Rosenberg‘s System of Ideological Views in the Work “The Myth of the 20th century”. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (67) 343-359. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.67.343


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