Лощинська Н. - Е-колекція "Літературно-художні журнали доби українізації" ЕБ "Україніка": повернення часописів 20-30-х років XX ст. у сучасний дискурс (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 67)Ukrainian English

Loshchynska Nataliia

E-collection Literary and Artistic Magazines of the Era of Ukrainization in EL Ukrainika: the Return of Magazines of the 20th – 30th years of the 20th century into Modern Discourse

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to establish the possibilities of the electronic collection Literary and artistic journals of the era of Ukrainianizat historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine in the period of the 20s and 30s of the 20th century in the electronic environment; to investigate the principles of its classification, semantic tools for the organization of users’ remote work, taking into account modern requirements for library digital resources and sources of scientific information. The research мethodology. In the process of research of the electronic collection and its practical management, a complex of research methods was used: comparative-historical, systemic-structural, generalization, descriptive-analytical, cultural, and it gave the author the opportunity to make it most of the set goal. The scientific novelty. Thanks to a thorough analysis of the construction principles, semantic tools, and content of one of the most interesting and popular among electronic collections’ users, the role and significance of using this type of digital humanitarianism for researchers of the Executed Renaissance and common users interested in the history of Ukrainian periodicals were revealed for the first time. The subject of research there is an electronic collection Literary and artistic journals of the era of Ukrainization, which is part of the electronic library Ukrainika of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. It is based on digitized copies of magazines from the 20s – 30s of the 20th century from own funds. Relevance of research. Periodicals of Ukraine of the outlined period were repeatedly the object of interest for literary experts, historians, journalists, and cultural experts. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of literary and artistic publications reflect the state of the literary process at a certain stage and serve as one of the sources of studying the history of literature and literary criticism. A wide range of literary periodicals testifies to the active organic development of the literary process in the country, its vitality and potential opportunities. Conclusions. Collections of periodicals, both scientific and mass, have great scientific, cultural, artistic, educational value. They present materials of various content, containing factual, scientific, entertainment, illustrative (graphic) and other information. During the Executed Renaissance period, literary and artistic magazines not only promoted artistic creativity, but also performed the function of popularizing social and political thought, new philosophical and aesthetic ideas, artistic trends, and critical thought. At different moments of their existence, they not only carry relevant information, but also are point of interest as historical documents, as well as a subject of sociological, local history and other studies. And, as a result, collections of periodicals traditionally are in great demand in libraries.

Keywords: magazine, periodical, electronic collection, digitization, electronic resource, Ukrainianization.

Author(s) citation:

Loshchynska Nataliia (2023). E-collection Literary and Artistic Magazines of the Era of Ukrainization in EL Ukrainika: the Return of Magazines of the 20th – 30th years of the 20th century into Modern Discourse. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (67) 371-386. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.67.371


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