Закіров М. - Деякі аспекти подієвої комунікації в інформаційному суспільстві в умовах війни (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 67)Ukrainian English

Zakirov Мarat

Some Aspects of Event Communication in the Information Society in the War Conditions

Abstract: The author of the article analyzed the influence of modern information technologies on certain forms of event communication, and the use of social networks and the Internet capabilities in social interaction and public administration has been carried out. The evolution of the sphere of public events organization in the information society has been clarified. Features of the use of networks event communication tools are revealed. The author revealed the role of modern communication technologies in ensuring information security, the functioning of the state mechanism and the organization of collective activities. In the information society, the evolution of modern event communications eliminated the monopoly of state, religious and national-cultural institutions on the organization and holding of large-scale events. Network technologies in event communication have significant constructive potential for creating opportunities in peacetime and wartime. Mass access to social networks led to the formation of a new quality of interactive event communication. Social networks have opened up access to a wide range of information that in earlier times was unattainable and even was labeled by state as a military secret. The capabilities of intelligence on open sources OSINT - Open source intelligence - have expanded significantly. Volunteer organizations record the facts of war crimes and identify war criminals, create own information bases, set event communication in the online space in support of the volunteer movement and the work of fundraising platforms. Effective forms of interactive communication between the state and citizens are electronic petitions and the Ukrainian experience of the single portal of public services Diya. Social networks are often used to destabilize society through the designing and implementation of destructive event communications.

Keywords: event communication, social networks, volunteer movement, fundraising, aggressor country.

Author(s) citation:

Zakirov Мarat (2023). Some Aspects of Event Communication in the Information Society in the War Conditions. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (67) 18-34. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.67.018


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