Лісова І. - Трансформація діяльності бібліотек в умовах карантину: соціологічний вимір (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 68)Ukrainian English

Lisova Iryna

Transformation of library activities under quarantine conditions: sociological dimension

Abstract: The purpose of the article is the analysis of sociological studies devoted to the peculiarities of the activities of educational and cultural institutions, in particular libraries, aimed at providing users with the necessary information and resources, introducing new services, and creating new opportunities under quarantine restrictions. The methodology. The article has the character of a review of sociological research, in which general scientific and special methods are applied, namely: analysis, generalization, comparison, review-analytical and method of visualization of research results. The specified methodology made it possible to achieve the set goal. The scientific novelty of the work is that, based on the analysis of sociological studies, with the help of professional materials and library resources, the transformation of library activities under the influence of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is comprehensively reflected, which disrupted the usual work algorithm and forced to look for new ways of providing users with access to their resources and services. Conclusions. The quarantine restrictions caused by the coronavirus have affected all spheres of activity, including the work of educational and cultural institutions, forcing them to look for ways toimplement their functions in new conditions. Public libraries promptly introduced access to their digital resources and used various forms and tools for library and information services with the help of various online services. During the quarantine restrictions, public libraries of Ukraine formed and used various forms of communication links with their users, which testifies to the high adaptive potential of library and information services in conditions of remote access and limited physical capabilities. Sociological studies have shown that Ukrainian librarians have generally coped with their task, using all opportunities to expand the range of information and cultural services.

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, coronavirus, sociological research, quarantine restrictions, public libraries, transformation of library activities, library and information service, remote access, online forms of work.

Author(s) citation:

Lisova Iryna (2023). Transformation of library activities under quarantine conditions: sociological dimension. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (68) 160-173. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.68.160


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